Reminderr! :D:D:D -> Please pay the subs, RM 10 to your form repASAP! If not Grace, the treasurer will come after you.
-> If you're absent without letters for 3 times, you will be automatically kick out of the club. No warning will be given. =]
(The comment box is at the bottom of the page please no spamming its only for comments any other than that will be deleted. Thank You.)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
There will be a meeting on 24th April 2009!!!
Morning session u will be doing~~~~
>Cake Decorating~! @ Morning session go to bilik masakan @ Pay RM3 to your form raps by thursday! It is for the cake @Each cake shared by 2 person~!!
Afternoon session u will be doing what the morning did last week which is flower arranging~
@Afternoon session go to 5 Pintar @Bring a mug to place your flower in OR~! a empty plastic bottle to cut
>17th April 2009<
<(^.^)> Morning Session <(^.^)> Form 5's , Form 4's and Form 3's had a chance to experience flower arranging and experiment with it last week~ The flowers were provided however~! the members were suppose to bring mugs to place their flowers in~ unfortunately~ hal ini tak jadi kerana murid kita yang banyak nenek~ So they had to go dig a empty plastic bottle from where ever they can find and cut it into half to use OR~! $.$!! Get FINED~!!!
flowers provided
cutting plastic bottles and that thingi to stick the flowers into that is very itcy( i don know what is it called)
experiment on going~!
This are a few of the flower arrangement done by our members:
____________________________________________________________________ >(^.^)> Afternoon Sessions <(^.^)< The form 1's and form 2's~~ was in the Bilik Masakan decorating cupcakes~~~! They were supplied with cupcakes while they had to bring their own decorating items~ most of them shared~ And by the end they produced colorful COLORFUL! cupcakes~ below are the pictures of samples of decorating items and the members ''colouring'' their cupcakes~
>decorating items<
The nice habit of sharing xD
Work Work Work~ Colour Colour Colour
A slide of cupcakes done:
=Joelle= (editor)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
~There will be a meeting on the 17th April 2009~ =Form 5,4,3= -You will be doing flower arranging this firday~! -Bring your own mug!! -Morning section will be in the art room that is 5 pintar... =Form 1,2= -You will be playing with cupcakes! well more like Decorating cupcakes! -BRING YOUR OWN DECORATING ITEMS!!! - Go to bilik masakan~!
=WELCOME TO OUR CGL ART CLUB= Rules and regulation xD : 1) No vulgar words 2)No spamming 3)Any comments bad or good pls state it in the comment section 4)N be nice lol!
=Advise from the president= Be a good gurl and study!!